Our local area has suffered from flooding in the past. Such incidents cause major disruption to local businesses and communities. It is essential that if severe flooding strikes Woking again, that those who live in vulnerable areas are prepared.
To find out if your property is at risk of flooding consult https://www.gov.uk/check-flood-risk
You can report emergency flooding issues and issues related to main rivers to the Environment Agency on 0800 807 060.
If you would like information on flooding, please call the Environment Agency Floodline on 08459 881 188.
Jonathan Lord supported the Hoe Valley scheme that took several hundred houses out of high flood risk. Jonathan also chairs the Pirbright Flood Forum and the Normandy Flood Forum where the Parish Councils and all the key stakeholders get together on a regular basis to discuss local flooding issues and to implement actions that will prevent or alleviate identified flood risks. Both of these forums have been hugely successful in reducing the incidents of flooding in Pirbright and Normandy and in ameliorating the probabilities of flooding problems in the future.