There are many issues affecting the Woking constituency. Local people are concerned about the need for local hospital services to be protected, the rise of antisocial behaviour, the provision of services for the elderly, the future of Woking town centre and the availability and location of new housing.
Jonathan shares all of those concerns and, amongst other things, he will work with the relevant stakeholders and with residents to try to achieve the following:
- Urban renaissance and continued revitalisation of the town centre and our surrounding villages in terms of employment, leisure, recreation and the retail environment - including investment in the town centre to provide a better experience for shoppers and business. Woking should aim to be the premier retail and service industry centre in Surrey.
- The best acute and chronic healthcare for everyone in the constituency and continued support for the excellent work of Woking Community Hospital and our GPs.
- Ensuring the sustainability of the local economy whilst protecting the environment, the green belt and the character of our neighbourhoods.
- Working with Surrey Police and Community Support Teams to ensure more effective enforcement on the streets to promote a safe and pleasant environment throughout the constituency.
- Supporting Woking and Guildford Borough Councils, and our residents, in their endeavours to achieve 60% recycling of waste.
- Continued investment in new children's play areas and in youth schemes that encourage our young people to be active, positive and law-abiding citizens.
- Encouragement for our schools to achieve even better results. And support for the wonderful work of our local charities and volunteers.